
发布时间: 2024-01-18
阅读人数: 17

The current registration fee is US$1,195, but smaller facilities that require fewer resources during the audit process can take advantage of a pricing pilot we have been conducting over the past 18 months which offers a reduced fee (see additional information below).
Our fee has not been raised in more than ten years. However, a new pricing structure will take effect later this year which will reduce the price for facilities with 200 workers or fewer (which represent 30 percent of the facilities in our program) and increase the price for larger facilities. The lower fee will be available to eligible facilities starting September 1, 2023, but the higher fee will not go into effect until January 1, 2024.
Starting September 1, the pricing pilot will end and all facilities with 100 or fewer workers will pay only $650 while facilities with a worker count between 101 and 200 will pay $950. Beginning on January 1, 2024, facilities with 201 – 1,000 workers will be charged $1,350 and facilities with 1,001 workers or more will be charged $1,550. 

The figure below provides this information as a table. 




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